"Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God." 1 John 4:7 (NIV)

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Welcome to our blog!!

We are finally setting up a blog as we are on our way to Ghana in 3 days. We will do our best to post about our upcoming trip as a way to keep all of our dear family and friends informed. Hopefully we will figure out pictures, too! We want to share the journey, as so many of you have already been an integral part of us getting to where we are. We thank the Lord for you and all of your love and support!!


  1. I just wanted to write you and let you know that I am thinking of you as you prepare to leave the country to serve the Lord's will. May God be with you on your journey to meet your newest family members face to face. I look forward to your speedy and safe return.

  2. It is so heartwarming to see people like yourselves taking such a huge interest in the well-being of others. The light of the Lord shines through you strongly on a planet that has so much darkness upon it. I am happy for these Ghana children to be going into such a nice home and with such yummy food to eat! Love the sunset in Michigan picture!

  3. Have a wonderful trip! We are thinking of you and keeping you in our prayers. Can't wait to hear how everything is going. We love you! Childerhose crew

  4. Have an amazing journey! You know I am praying for Matt and you and all of your beautiful children everyday. I miss you already!

  5. We are so excited for your family. Post pics soon....

    POD C
