"Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God." 1 John 4:7 (NIV)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Mary's Post 5

Hey! I am back to blog! Let's see, oh! I remember now! I was just going to say my perspective of Ghana. Alrighty, here it is. First of all, even though you probably know, it is, of course, very hot, and it has been like that every day. 2nd, it is very nice here, and I love the palm trees! They are very pretty. You know, I really like all of the plants.3rd, most of the kids at Beacon House are really nice, and when I say most, I mean everybody except the boys that always bug me. Well, their nice, in a way, but man, they can be realllyy annoying! Grace Henry, if you are reading this, how are you doing? Are you feeling okay? Do (did) you enjoy the snow? Just to let you know, I miss you tons! Emma Griffin, also if you are reading this, I miss you a lot too! But don't be sad, I'll be back soon! Mary Claire, thank you for blogging! It's great to hear from you! And Lucy, I'm sooooo excited that you got Chloe! That's really great! Please, tell all of my friends that I miss them and that I'll be back soon! Mary
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


  1. Hi Mary
    Lucy brought pictures of her doggy she is soooooo cute.I went sleding again today there was a ton of snow so we have NO SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!Also we may have no school tomarrow.We have a way different weathers.By the way I doing great and I reallllllllllllllllllly miss you!I love I meen loooooooove the snow.Well........Bye!
    Luv Grace

  2. Hi Mar!

    I miss you. As Grace said, I brought in pictures of Chloe. She is so cute. I'm glad you have this blog. Sometimes my dog can be really funny. Like today.....she knocked a toy under the couch. Clearly in her mind the best way to get the toy is to try to "dive" through the couch. It was really funny. Everyone misses you at school. I'll post more tomorrow. See you next week.
    From Lucy

  3. Hey Mary!
    Whats up? We have NO SCHOOL today. Chloe is SO funny. This morning, I hear whimpering, I say "Chloe, what are you doing?" I hear in response "bark, bark, yap, yap." I say "Chloe!" That's pretty much it. Oh yeah, right now "Miss Goober" is asleep. She is cute when she sleeps. Imagine a dog, with a beagle face, curled up in a ball. Cute!
    Luv Lu,Lu!

  4. Hi Mary! I can't wait until you get back! How are you? Today,Feb.10, NO SCHOOL! My mom said we might have scool tommorrow though.:( When will you be back? I can't take it! I miss you! Oh! Right now, we are watching Extreme Makeover Home Edition, and Kermit the frog is on there!LoL!:) Love,Emma G.
