"Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God." 1 John 4:7 (NIV)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Mary's post

Hi! This is Mary. Africa has been such a great experience, but in my opinion, it is waaayy to hot! But in the meantime, it has been great! Lamisi is just like me, even the whole family agrees! Beacon House is a great place and all of the kids are very nice and polite. It has been fun to hang out with the kids. Outside of Beacon House, there is a trampoline(even though no ones allowed to use it) a slide(its a little broken, but I still use it) a sandbox, and a jungle gym! Even the 3 year olds can climb up the jungle gym and sit on the top! Still, some of them can hang by there knees! That's basically it, See ya! Mary
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


  1. Hi Mary,
    today we went sledding.It was sooooo much fun.Emma,Iris,Sarah,Molly,Lily,Sarafina,and me were all there.(Aubrey was at Mary Claire`s house)I slid down from the very top of the hill on my tummy,it felt funny to go down on my tummy.Also Sam Curry was there.(P.S.we did not invite him)The hill we slid on was the hill near the Woodfill school.Boy was it cold.After that we came home to have some HOT COCOA!!!!!!Now the Griffins are coming over for dinner and Mr.Harold is bringing chocolate fudge cake.I really,really,really,really,reallllllllllllly miss you so very,very much.

  2. Hey Mary!
    Today we got her,(and by "her" I mean Chloe).I LOVE her. She is SO sweet. She is adorable! She likes to jump alot. We (by 'we' I mean my family),LOVE her. Right now she keeps on interrupting me. But, when you come back I will show you and Ian a picture of her.
